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Impact Management & Measurement


In the context of impact management, impact refers to:

The effect of organizations’ actions on people and the natural environment.

Impact can be positive or negative, intended or unintended and direct or indirect.

Impact management is the process by which an organization sets clear, measurable objectives and outcomes and creates the organizational infrastructure to understand, act on, and communicate its impacts on people and the natural environment in order to reduce negative impacts, increase positive impacts, and ultimately to achieve sustainability and increase well-being.


Impact measurement is the technical qualitative or quantitative assessment of outcomes and impact of the organization using survey data or other evaluation instruments.

The fundamental characteristics of impact management 1. Deliberately contributing to solve environmental and social problems and to promote greater well-being is a further strategic objective associated with impact management. In sum, Impact management implies that addressing negative impacts and creating positive impacts is part of the organisation’s vision and/or purpose. 2. Holistic consideration of impacts. People, society, nature and climate are intimately interconnected and interdependent. This means that impact management requires taking a holistic approach that considers all impacts that are potentially associated with an organisation.  3. Consideration and engagement of stakeholders and affected parties. Identifying, considering and, where possible and appropriate, directly involving those who are affected (stakeholders) is an integral part of the holistic approach and critical to ensuring accountability. Specifically, this can help determine what impacts may occur or have occurred, how important they are, and how best to measure them. It can also help organisations define their goals and strategy, and ensure reported impact is a fair and true representation of reality.  4. Consideration of context. Environmental and social needs and aspirations vary from one place to another. Impact management can only be effective if these contextual elements are properly understood and factored in from the start.  5. Integration across strategy, governance and activities. An organisation can only address its negative impacts and maximise its positive impacts if impact management is embedded directly into an organisation’s company strategy and governance, and across its activities. This includes adopting a level of quality checks and balances for impact management that is similar to what is done for other aspects of business management.  6. An iterative and evidence-based process. Addressing negative impacts and maximising positive impact can take time. Impact management involves understanding what works, through repeated measurement, assessment, monitoring and evaluation, and integrating learnings into organisational practices and policies.  7. Transparency on practice and performance. Communicating information about impact performance and impact management processes with all relevant stakeholders is an essential feedback and accountability mechanism for impact management.


The following  guide will take you through six steps to build your IMM strategy and framework. 

Each step is briefly explained, and we provide examples and templates to build your own strategy. However building an Impact strategy can be complex and we highly recommend working with an expert consultant especially if this is your first time.

Step 1 - Map Your Stakeholders


Begin by identifying and prioritizing your stakeholders.​

To effectively map your stakeholders, consider the following:
  • Identify who will be impacted by or has the potential to influence your venture.

  • Evaluate their significance to your venture's success and their level of interest in your activities.

  • Determine the most effective ways to engage with them.

their needs

Manage closely

Keep informed

Keep into account

Power/influence of the stakeholder
Level of interest of stakeholder

Read more here.

Quick Tip: Ensure you've identified your key stakeholders

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